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Friday, June 5, 2009

Boost Your Website Traffic - How to Use the Three-Foot Rule

There is one simple rule on the Internet. The more visitors go to your web site, the more income you will generate. Depending on what your business is, the more visitors you website attracts, the more sales you make, the more advertising revenue you make, and the more affiliate marketing revenue you make. One very simple method of generating traffic to your website is The Three-Foot Rule.

The Three-Foot Rule is simple. Make sure you talk about your web site to everyone that comes within three feet of you. (Or one meter if you prefer metric!)

In other words, make sure you talk about your website whenever it crops up in conversation, or whenever you can steer the conversation round to it. Mention it to your friends and to your family. Mention it to people at work or in places where you socialise. If your web site is genuinely useful and interesting, people will want to know about it. Whet their curiosity! Make them want to go to your web site to see what all the buzz is about.

The Three-Foot Rule is a great idea. If anyone gets within three feet of you and starts a conversation, bring the conversation round to the topic of your website, then mention that you have a website on this very subject, and tell them the name. Hand them out a Business Card Advert and encourage them to go to your web site to see for themselves. You would be amazed at how many people will do this. Personal recommendation is a very effective method. Visitors to your web site will grow organically over time.

Some people wear a badge, saying something like “Escape the Rat Race! Go to www.yoursite.com!” Over the course of a single day, potentially dozens or even hundreds of people will see your badge and read the name of your website. They may not actually ask you about it. But if they are at all curious, they will go to your website when they get home and take a look.
The Three-Foot Rule is all about getting confident about your website, and raising its popularity with everyone you meet. Along the way, you will talk to people and garner their ideas and feedback.

The combined effect is to increase the number of visitors to your website. As you start to put The Three-Foot Rule into practice, you will find that your web site attracts more and more visitors, all leading to a steady increase in your income. The effect can start to snowball, as people who find the site tell other people about it. After a while, it may start to take on a life of its own. You can achieve what an expensive advertising campaign using Google AdWords would do. So what are you waiting for? Start making use of The Three-Foot Rule today!


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