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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Generating Traffic With Your Blog to Make Money

Are you trying to learn how to make money online? If you are, I'm sure that you heard that blogging is a good way to start but I'm also sure that you are probably confused on how exactly you can do that. The biggest question that you need answered is how to get traffic to your blog. There are many ways to get traffic and the steps to getting it aren't really that complicated.

The first thing that you need to do is let the search engines know you are there.

Search engines like blogs a lot because the content in them is exceptional and it is frequently being updated. Each post you make is considered to be fresh content.

Sure, you've created some content, but you need to let the search engines know that you put that content out there. You can do this by 'pinging'. Pinging is a way of saying to them "Hey Look At Me!!"

The search engine may find you if you are writing exceptional content, but if you ping, your blog has a better chance of getting attention sooner than it normally would.

The next way to get traffic is through list building. It's probably one of the easiest ways to get traffic flowing to your blog. You can build lists through squeeze pages or opt-in pages, which you should know are the customary list building tools.

When you have a really interesting post, send your current list an email. They might like it and comment on it or even link it to their blog and get your name out to even more people.

There are other traditional methods you can use to get traffic to your blog by backlinking. Anything you would use to get traffic to your website you can do to get people to your blog. These methods include press releases, articles, podcasts, and even Google AdWords. And remember never to forget social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

What I suggest is that you worry about using your blog as something that gets put on search engines. It usually works better than worrying about driving traffic to it through the other methods.

As you develop your writing skills geared towards your target audience with relevant and entertaining content more people will find out about you. Eventually, as time goes on, they'll come back to you because they like what you have to offer.

Basically, to sum it all up, if you want to make money online use blogs and the simple methods of traffic generation to get people there. This will set you up for a lot of readers and generate a bigger list of clients for you and you will make lots of money online as time goes on.


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