For pay-per-click ads, every time someone clicks on your ad, you are paid a few cents. For commission based ads, you earn money from sales made from the person who was diverted to their site through ads in your site.
Since traffic is essential, finding ways to increase traffic to your site is needed to become successful in internet marketing. The first and most important thing to remember when talking about traffic is that search engines are responsible for a lot of traffic to sites. So, ranking high in a search engine result is very important.
To rank high in a search engine result, two things are considered. First is the keyword phrase that will be the focus of searches. Build your site around a keyword phrase that is searched a lot. Use a main keyword then a couple of minor keywords that is related to the main keyword. Just make sure to use enough keywords, not too much, and make the content of your site worth reading and worth the time of its visitors.
Second are backlinks. Backlinks are the links in other websites that links to your site. Building backlinks is a long hard process. There are a lot of ways you can create backlinks. Take every opportunity you can get to create backlinks.
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