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Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to Generate Traffic to Your Website - The Smart, Easy Solutions

There are tons of eBooks and software available claiming to help generate traffic. Before they rip you off, did you know that there are FREE ways to generate traffic to your website?

Traffic Technique 1:

One of the best methods to generate traffic is to write articles. Yes articles like these and submit it to article directories. Why?

Because Article directories like EzineArticles.com are considered authority sites. They also have a huge page rank. They also accept your content for FREE. This is what is called a special bonus. Just for submitting articles in ezine articles I am generating 30 to 50 visitors per month, per site. I just got started. There other article directories and I encourage you to check out their submission policies and their page rank and their popularity and give them a shot. Remember to track each submission. Keep a notebook with article name, date submitted, article directory name. Also keep a running account of article views and click through.

Traffic Technique 2:

Now this is one of my secret techniques. Take your article and split it into mini slides. Make a PowerPoint presentation. Upload and share these slides on FREE sites which allow users to submit PowerPoint applications.

Don't underestimate this technique. Here is why it works?

Some of these sites have a PR of 6 and above. Imagine getting a link from such a site. Also as per my stats quite a few users download these slides and also click through them. I received 30 visitors in my first month alone from one such PowerPoint.

Traffic Technique 3:

Harness the power of Web 2.0. Use authority sites like Squidoo, Facebook, to connect with people. Build relationships, help people, and earn rewards.


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