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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Things to Avoid With Traffic Building

Every website owner in the world wants to increase the number of people who visit their website. This is especially true of websites that sell products, services, or use ad revenue programs. Websites that have a focus in making money will always concern themselves with traffic building. They will try various methods and will implement dozens of marketing strategies in order to obtain new visitors and to also keep them coming back time and time again.

There are, however, things that should be avoided when it comes to building traffic for your website. These things are complete common sense; however, many people continue to ignore them in hopes of building extreme amounts of traffic for their website, not realizing that they are actually causing damage to their traffic due to their nuisance.

Being a nuisance is by and far one of the biggest things you should avoid. If you start collecting mailing lists and start "dry" mailing people who never requested to receive contact from your company, you will simply be turning your company and website into a spam website. In fact, unsolicited email can lower your rankings when people begin blocking your domain or reporting you to spam systems.

Additionally, you will acquire a bad online reputation if you continue to use these types of traffic building tactics. Therefore, you should invest your time in Internet marketing tactics that are proven and acceptable in the industry. Using spam tactics will lower your company's value and will create a terrible reputation for your company.


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