1. Article Marketing.
I like to write articles for quite many reasons. First, I learn a lot, because I have to find information for these articles and that brings a lot of new knowledge to me. Second, with optimized articles I make the search engines to work for me, for free. Third, these optimized articles reach people with the keywords and this is the key, why these people form the best target group you can imagine! And one more additional benefit. Articles will stay on the directories for years and that brings targeted traffic to me all the time. Articles do the first selection process. They pick only those readers, who are interested.
2. Blog Posts.
Blogging is close to article writing, but it is more personal. On the other hand, it does not get so wide coverage but when my number of subscribers is big enough, the quality of these subscribers means more than their number. Otherwise the benefits are the same as the articles have.
3. Opt-in List Building.
One key element of all communication is the repetition. The law of advertising says , that you have to repeat your message to the same person from 3 to 5 times, before he starts to build trust and to act.
But how to do this repetition? One good trick is to pick his name and email address right in the beginning of the marketing process. The best way is to install a form on your website, to promise a gift, when they give their email and name and to give them an email income course for free. Of course these emails include product links and when they order, the commissions are yours.
When you do marketing actions, the most important thing is your online business plan, because the strategy and your other selections give the direction to your operations. The secret is to follow always your original plan.
If we look at your plan more thoroughly, it must include sharp selections. One of the main one is the promise to your target group. Think deeply, what benefit do you promise and that you can answer to your promise.
It is healthy to keep in mind, that a one man online business does not need a wide target audience. The narrower you can build, the better. A narrow promise is much easier to handle, especially when you think about the brand building.
All, what you do must be based on your strengths. When you follow those, your credibility will grow and people will trust on you. On the other hand, it makes it easier to draw targeted people to your site.
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