First, I want to express to you the importance of knowing why you are driving the traffic to the site. What I mean by that is if you are driving traffic from a pet lover's website into a website about affiliate marketing you are wasting your time.
The first way in getting highly qualified targeted blog traffic is to find forums that are related to your niche and start posting answers to the questions that come up in the forums. There are also question and answer directories online that you can post answers to. One such site is Yahoo Answers, you can do a search online for the address in google or yahoo. Of course you are going to want to have your address that you want the traffic to go to in your author information area or signature as they call in in the forums.
The second way to getting highly qualified targeted blog traffic is to create a Twitter account and find people that are already in your niche and have created a profile online that you can easily find. For example you would go to Twellow, or Tweetfind and search for people in your niche, in my case that would be internet marketing. You will see the people and add them as followers to your twitter account. Start tweeting about your recent blog post or give helpful and motivational information that they can use. They will take note that you are consistently helping them and you will get traffic from people finding out who you are and what you are about.
The last way to getting highly qualified targeted blog traffic is by creating a facebook account, and again finding people that are in your niche and start connecting to them by providing relative and quality content that will constantly provide them with information that will solve a problem they are having.
There are probably at least a couple dozen similar ways to find Web 2.0 traffic by doing similar things to what I have mentioned above. It's not rocket science, but it is not unobtainable either. It just takes a little determination and perseverance to get the job done and follow through with your dream of one day ruling the world! Lol ok, no ruling the world, but you can have a nice following of people by taking action with just a few steps.
It was once told to me "All It Takes Is Action & Action Builds Confidence" and that is so true. I believe in you. and that you can do anything you put your mind to. So do it and enjoy the rewards that are going to come because of the result of your actions you have taken.
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