How do I do it?
When purchasing high volume traffic like this, you're really only exposing your website to page views. Let's say you pay $15 for 20,000 pop-under advertisements. It can be a pop-under when people arrive at the site or as they leave the site from where you bought advertising. Sounds like a great deal right? Well only a small percentage of those visitors may actually be interested in your site. Maybe 20 people actually look around your site and buy something. The cost of obtaining those customers is pretty high considering the amount of traffic you're getting.
In order for this type of traffic to be effective you can either get a higher number of people to view your site or increase your conversion rate. You really want to improve both of these to be effective.
The key is to generate different landing pages for each source of traffic. So you do not want to use the same website for every traffic source, got it? You want to cater your website to different kinds of people based on the site your website is being promoted on.
Make your page stand out!
People will not click on your page unless they know what it is all about almost immediately. So you want to create a giant headline that is attention grabbing and it must warrant an action from the visitor. Something like, "Discover Everything YOU Need to Know About Making Money Online!" Then when the user clicks through, they end up at your main websites landing page. These visitors are now targeted visitors because they only clicked the link because they are interested. It's that simple!
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